NANCY DREW MEETS CHARMED in this enchanting series about four magical sisters and their mysterious cat


What a great read. Excitement from beginning to end. Several subplots with lots of twists and even a cute romance. Well worth it!”    ***** 5 star review

“Leighann Dobbs has a knack for great mystery plots and charming characters…”   ***** 5 star review

“So good I read it twice!!” ***** 5 star review 


Three hundred years ago, Isiah Blackmoore built his mansion atop a cliff overlooking the Atlantic ocean. Today, four of his descendants share that mansion. Four sisters who have no idea that the truth of their ancestry is about to disrupt their lives in a big way. 

Where most grown women would want to strike out on their own, the Blackmoores prefer to stick together. They like living in the seaside mansion and they have peculiar… skills… that they’d prefer no one else knows about. 

And then there is their cat, Belladonna. She has an uncanny way of knowing exactly what is going on and trying to keep the sisters out of trouble, not that they listen. But the cat seems to come with the house, she’s been there as long as any of the sisters can remember and no one wants to move out and leave her behind.

It turns out to be a good thing that the sisters have chosen to stay in the mansion together because there’s something important in the attic. Something the girls are going to need. Something that could make the difference between life and death for them and answer the burning questions they have about their ancestor and the true circumstances of their parents’ deaths. 

But as they soon discover, the attic isn’t even the most important place in the house, it’s the basement that really holds the key… 

Read the Blackmoore Series on Amazon – available in eBook, Paperback and Audiobook. 



Belladonna is pure white with light blue eyes – the same color as all the Blackmoore sisters.  Belladonna is smarter than most humans and often shows up in muystserious places. How does she keep getting out of the house and traveling miles on foot?  No one knows. The Blackmoore sisters can’t remember a time when Belladonna wasn’t with them.  They’ve even seen pictures of the cat with their grandmother from decades ago. But that can’t possibly be the same cat, could it? 


Morgan is the oldest of the sisters and has had a way with plants ever since she was old enough to dig in her grandmother’s garden. It’s no surprise that she grew up to be a herbalist and runs a business with her sister Fiona called Sticks and Stones. People come from around the globe to buy her herbal remedies, which are said to be so effective they work like magic. Which, of course, they are. 


Fiona always loved rocks, even as a child. Naturally, she grew up to become a gemologist. She loves fashioning jewelry in the old family cottage deep in the woods where she works alongside Morgan. Her jewelry is said to have enchanted properties as well as appealing designs. But what the sisters have yet to discover is that her affinity with rocks will come in handy to fight those that mean them harm. 


The second to the youngest Blackmoore is more earthy than her siblings, with her power shakes and yoga, but she’s also hiding an unusual gift. She can see ghosts. This gift comes in very handy on many of the Blackmoore’s adventures.


The youngest sister was only a teenager when they lost their mother. Morgan, Fiona and Celeste have always gone out of their way to protect Jolene, but as it turns out Jolene is the most powerful of them all and will soon be the one that protects her sisters. 


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